Javier in der Schweiz

Javier in der Schweiz

den schweizer traum leben

27 Jan 2019


I am atheist. Very much. It means I don’t need any answer about what’s after death or why I am here in this world. I mean… I do, I ask me those questions, but I don’t need any positive answer. I think I’m here because of a combination of luck and chaos and there will be nothing when I die, and this is enough for me.

I could say I am not in a situation of Erklärungsnot in religious terms. But, unfortunately, I am in other terms.

But what the hell is Erklärungsnot? I found this word by chance. I live in a German-speaking country and I already should be speaking German… but I don’t (yet). Although I am not taking German classes, what I do is pay close attention to every German word or expression I find, and that is how I am getting to say some things in German.

Well… this word really struck me. It means: “the urgent need to explain something that you can’t“. Like your own existence, for instance. But, I insist, it is not my case, I have no need to explain my existence. Neither any other question… until now.

Now I am in an Erklärungsnot situation because I have the urgent need to explain why I have gone so far from the persons I love and whether I will be with them soon. Cold times in paradise.